

利记 科朗杰洛商学院 offers a range of business master’s 程序s to help you position yourself to possibly take the next step in your career and further your knowledge in your field. 建立在仆人式领导的基础上, 道德与企业家精神, 我们的商学院提供夜校, 混合型和在线商业硕士学位.

If you are looking to prepare yourself for possible potential leadership positions in your organization through knowledge and business savvy, 考虑我们众多的工商管理硕士(MBA)利记之一. 如果你想成为公司的服务型领导者, 考虑一下我们的领导力理学硕士或其他领导力学位. 我们也提供很多其他的商业硕士课程,可以帮助你在你的领域.


Many of our GCU’s business master’s 程序s have attained accreditation from the Accreditation Council for 业务 Schools and 项目 (ACBSP). ACBSP致力于通过研究加强商业教育, 优秀的教学和积极的学生成果, 并认可符合其教育标准的项目.

GCU是高等教育委员会认可的院校. Our HLC accreditation reflects our commitment to providing a quality education to our students. 自1968年以来, HLC已授予GCU认证, 承认它符合组织制定的标准和标准.




Our frequently asked questions are here to provide you with more information on earning your master’s in business and planning your career.

的 knowledge and 技能 taught in a master’s in business degree can make it a worthwhile choice for those looking to obtain positions in business and management. 截至2022年5月,根据美国的数据.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, project management specialists have a median annual wage of $95,370,1 高管的平均年薪为100,090美元.2

研究生 degrees are meant to be challenging and to push so you can position yourself to be prepared for potential advanced career opportunities. Master’s 程序s for business often come with a heavy workload and require dedication and a substantial time commitment. 然而, 如果商业是你的激情所在, you may appreciate learning the ins and outs of what it takes to be a knowledgeable professional in your industry.

是的. 候选人必须具有先前的硕士学位,才有资格参加博士课程.

商科硕士课程可以让你为各种工作做好准备. 获得该学位的毕业生可以继续从事以下工作:

  • 首席执行官
  • 总经理及营运经理
  • 人力资源专员
  • 项目管理专员
  • 培训及发展经理
  • 社会和社区服务经理

商科硕士学位可以为你提供领导力, 建立和管理企业所需的沟通和战略技能. MBA degrees with different emphases such as leadership or even business analytics can provide you with even more insight on how to best develop, 优化和运行你的业务.

在线 master’s degree can provide the same quality education to students as a traditional on-campus degree. 在攻读在线学位时,有几个因素需要考虑, such as the strength of the curriculum and the accreditation of that university and its 程序s. 这些方面更能反映硕士课程的质量, 而不是你选择完成它的方式.


GCU offers various graduate business degrees for those looking to expand their education and position themselves for potential career advancement. Explore our graduate 程序s to find the one that best complements you and your career goals.


A business master’s degree from GCU could be the next step you need to position yourself to potentially advance your career in business, IT或会计.

会计学硕士 (MSA)可以帮助你提高财务报告的技能, 审计与税务, 重点学习公共会计实务方面的知识, 经济学与市场营销. MSA的高潮是对统一注册会计师考试中常见概念的回顾.

准备帮助您的组织制定战术和战略决策 商业分析理学硕士. 这个商业硕士项目的核心能力包括数据分析, 批判性思维和解决问题能力, 以帮助您的组织使用创造性的方法解决业务需求为目标.

网络安全管理理学硕士 is a 34-credit, online business degree 程序 that focuses on the managerial side of cybersecurity. 风险评估, network security and compliance and governance are all part of the extensive curriculum that follows the standards set by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association. Develop knowledge that can help you prepare yourself for possible managerial roles in the cybersecurity industry.

If you want to equip yourself with the 技能 needed to potentially become a leader in the information technology field, 考虑到 信息技术管理理学硕士. This advanced business master’s 程序 offers management courses that can provide the necessary business knowledge and 技能 to lead information technology teams.

Explore leadership models and theories and study the traits and practices that empower leaders. 不管你是在网上还是在晚上上课, 你将有机会研究组织政治等主题, 仆人领导, 领导与不同团队的沟通和协作. 到最后 领导学硕士 程序, you will have been taught the 技能 necessary to develop and build your self-confidence as a leader in your field.

学习强大的领导力, 准备和组织可以让你为帮助他人的职业生涯做好准备. 努力为危机救援做好准备 国土安全和应急管理重点 through intentional classes designed to accentuate the role of disaster preparation and emergency planning.


Future business leaders can gain 技能 in organizational growth and operations management by earning GCU’s 工商管理硕士. 努力提高你的商业知识,同时磨练你的领导能力, and prepare yourself to potentially pursue various management or upper-level positions in business.

我们提供各种重点课程,帮助您获得与您所在领域相关的技能, 包括会计, 金融, 市场营销, 项目管理和体育业务. If you want to earn your master’s in business degree exclusively online, choose our online MBA. 如果你更喜欢亲自上课,可以参加每周一次的夜校.


If you have a master’s degree in a field other than business administration and wish to earn a Doctor of 业务 Administration, GCU is pleased to offer bridge 程序s to help you prepare for your doctorate in business degree. 发现你的机会和重点领域.



GCU is pleased to offer convenient ways to advance your education and potentially prepare yourself for the next step in your business career. 只在网上学习商务课程, 通过夜校亲自授课或选择混合式学习. Whichever modality you pick, you will learn in small environments from knowledgeable faculty.

1 参考的收益是由美国银行报告的.S. 美国劳工统计局(BLS), 项目管理专家,截至2022年5月,于11月9日检索. 14, 2023. 由于2019冠状病毒病,与前几年相比,2020年至2021年的数据可能不典型. BLS calculates the median using salaries of workers nationwide with varying levels of education and experience. 它并不反映GCU毕业生作为项目管理专家的收入, nor does it reflect earnings of workers in one city or region of the country or a typical entry-level salary. 媒体n income is the statistical midpoint for the range of salaries in a specific occupation. It represents what you would earn if you were paid more money than half the workers in an occupation, 不到一半的工人从事一项职业. It may give you a basis to estimate what you might earn at some point if you enter this career. 利记不能保证个别毕业生的薪水. 你的就业能力将由许多GCU无法控制的因素决定, 比如毕业生选择申请的雇主, 毕业生的经验水平, 个人特征, 技能, 等.与一群候选人竞争.

2 参考的收益是由美国银行报告的.S. 美国劳工统计局(BLS), 高管,截至2022年5月,于11月9日检索. 14, 2023. 由于2019冠状病毒病,与前几年相比,2020年至2021年的数据可能不典型. BLS calculates the median using salaries of workers nationwide with varying levels of education and experience. 它并不反映GCU毕业生作为高管的收入, nor does it reflect earnings of workers in one city or region of the country or a typical entry-level salary. 媒体n income is the statistical midpoint for the range of salaries in a specific occupation. It represents what you would earn if you were paid more money than half the workers in an occupation, 不到一半的工人从事一项职业. It may give you a basis to estimate what you might earn at some point if you enter this career. 利记不能保证个别毕业生的薪水. 你的就业能力将由许多GCU无法控制的因素决定, 比如毕业生选择申请的雇主, 毕业生的经验水平, 个人特征, 技能, 等.与一群候选人竞争.

如果你准备申请GCU的商业硕士课程, 或者有其他问题, 立即利记!