在线 业务 利记

Pursue Your Passion as a Career



Percent of employers hired MBA graduates in 20221


Second best college for business in Arizona for 20242

Examine various aspects of business, 管理 and 领导 functions with a GCU business degree, such as a 管理 and 领导 degree or a doctorate in business.

是否经济学, 商业法, 市场营销, 会计 or 管理 spark your interests, GCU的商业学位可以培养你的创业精神,教会你道德的商业行为. Find your passion by fueling your education and career in business.



Transform Workplaces and Develop Leadership Skills

A business degree from GCU, such as a bachelor’s degree in business and 管理, 商业硕士学位或商业博士学位可以让你有机会调整你的商业技能, 获得领导经验,增强批判性思维能力. Our on campus and online business degree programs teach:

  • 仆人领导
  • 有意识的资本主义
  • 道德
  • 企业家精神
  • 业务 best practices
  • Applicable business strategies

By pursuing an online business master’s degree, a doctorate in business or a business certificate, 您将有机会获得高等教育,并为潜在的职业发展定位.

Accredited and Respected 业务 Degrees From GCU

Male and female business degree students dressed professionally at GCU

GCU提供全面的商业管理和领导学士学位, master’s and doctoral levels. 在本科商业利记中获得坚实的商业基础后, you may consider returning to pursue your MBA; studies show that may be a beneficial choice for many graduates. Statista的一项研究报告称,到2022年,91%的雇主雇佣了MBA毕业生.1


Take 业务 Courses 在线 or On 校园 To Fit Your Schedule

以满足学生的需求,他们都有独特的生活方式和不同的时间表, GCU提供校内住宿, evening and online business degree programs. 所有三种模式都可以通过使用强大的平台为您提供实际应用和卓越的承诺. From the comfort of your own home, GCU受人尊敬的教师专注于仆人式领导,可以帮助准备学士学位, 商学硕士和博士学位的学生成为独立学习者.

GCU’s Commitment to Affordable 教育


In scholarships for online students3


In scholarships received by campus students4

业务 and 管理 students talk in a hallway at GCU

自2009年以来,GCU一直致力于通过不增加校园学费,使尽可能多的学生负担得起其商业课程. 这次学费冻结源于我们对素质重要性的信念, attainable education for all.

我们知道,资助你的教育是对你未来的一项重大投资, 这就是为什么GCU提供了一些工具来帮助你估算学士学位的融资成本, master’s or doctorate in business degree.

业务 利记 at GCU

无论你是想获得知识来追求你梦想的工作,还是接受教育,定位自己,让自己的职业生涯更上一层楼, GCU提供多种学位水平的管理和领导学位,包括在校和在线. In the Colangelo College of 业务 at GCU, 您将体验到协作社区和专业知识的结合,同时拥抱以学生为中心的文化和信仰融合的教育.


学士学位 in 业务

Female bachelor's in business degree student presenting research at GCU


业务 硕士学位

Male and female business master's degree students smiling in GCU hallway


Doctorate in 业务 Degrees

博士 student at GCU studies in front of a computer


业务 Certificate 项目

Female business certificate student giving presentation at GCU


FAQs for Aspiring 业务 Degree Program Students


根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, business and financial occupations have a median annual wage of $76,截至2022年5月,5 从2022年到2032年,这一群体的就业增长速度将高于平均水平.6

There is a large selection of different levels of business specializations to choose from to help you gain an understanding of your preferred field. Some of these degree programs include business 管理, 领导, 会计, 市场营销, homeland security and emergency 管理 or any of our online business degrees.

A business degree may be beneficial in a wide assortment of professions. 另外, 911,从2022年到2032年,预计将有400个新的商业和金融工作岗位, 根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.6

There is not one specific timeline for earning a business degree. The length of each program will depend on different factors, such as if it is an undergraduate or graduate degree, the amount of credits required, 包括任何转学学分,或者你是在全日制还是兼职的基础上完成学位. To learn more about how long a business program may take you to complete, 请填写本页的表格,以便与大学辅导员取得联系.

是的. 认可的学校, 比如GCU, 能否为在线学生和在校学生提供相同的教育体验. 在线商学学位申请者毕业时可以掌握雇主在员工身上寻找的技能.



1 研究生 Management Admission Council (GMAC), 2019冠状病毒病对商学院毕业生招聘的影响:2020年企业招聘人员调查 2021年5月

2 利基市场.com. (n.d.). 2024 Best 大学 for 业务 in Arizona. Retrieved April 22, 2024.

3 在线 scholarships awarded from January 2022 to October 2022.

4 在线 scholarships awarded from November 2021 to October 2022. Traditional campus scholarships awarded during the 2022 calendar year.

The earnings referenced were reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 业务 and Financial Occupations as of May 2022, retrieved on Feb. 14, 2024. 由于2019冠状病毒病,与前几年相比,2020年至2022年的数据可能不典型. 劳工统计局使用全国不同教育程度和经验的工人的工资来计算中位数. 它并不反映GCU毕业生在商业和金融行业的收入, 它也不能反映一个城市或地区工人的收入或典型的入门级工资. 收入中位数是特定职业的工资范围的统计中点. 它代表的是,如果你的工资高于同一职业中一半的工人,你将挣到多少钱, and less than half the workers in an occupation. 这可能会给你一个基础来估计如果你进入这个行业,你在某个时候可能会赚多少钱. 利记不能保证个别毕业生的薪水. 你的就业能力将由许多GCU无法控制的因素决定, such as the employer the graduate chooses to apply to, the graduate’s experience level, individual characteristics, 技能, 等. against a pool of candidates.

COVID-19对全球经济产生了不利影响,与前几年相比,2020年至2022年的数据可能不典型. 因此,所显示的数据是2023年9月生效的,可以在这里找到.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 业务 and Financial Occupations 12月检索. 27, 2023.

利记的在线和夜间课程为你提供了获得成功所需的灵活性, 提供优质教育,帮助您在当今复杂的世界中茁壮成长.
